Making Business Better
Gemba Inc.
Our Mission
Working with clients to mobilize for change, shape winning strategies and drive execution to achieve their biggest goals.
We believe we will be successful if our clients are successful
Gemba 現場
Gemba is a Japanese term meaning "the actual place". In business, gemba refers to the place where value is created; in manufacturing the gemba is the factory floor. It can be any "site"such as construction site, sales floor or where the service provider interacts directly with the customer.
In lean manufacturing, the idea of gemba is that the problem are visible, and the best improvement ideas will come from going to the gemba. The gemba walk, much like Management By Walking Around (MBWA), is an activity that takes management to the front lines to look for waste and opportunities to practice gemba kaizen, or practical shop floor improvement.
In quality management, gemba means the manufacturing floor and the idea is that if a problem occurs, the engineers must go there to understand the full impact of the problem, gathering data from all sources. Unlike focus groups and surveys, gemba visits are not scripted or bounded by what one wants to ask.
We at Gemba Inc., work with our clients to create process that highlight problems, while simultaneously training and empowering their team to solve them. We research, develop and publish various aspects of continuous improvement, while partnering with our clients, enabling them to implement sustainable improvements through our consulting, training and bench-marking activities and guiding them on their continuous improvement journey.
Contact Us
Gemba Transformation LLP
Electronic City, Bangalore
Karnataka 560 100, India
Phone : +91 80 4093 1510
Email :
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm
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